Key Knowledge Sharing Activities
objectives title
Knowledge sharing objectives
Knowledge sharing objectives
Knowledge Sharing Objectives
The objectives of the Knowledge Sharing Activities are to:
- generate valuable data and knowledge that has the potential to catalyse a wave of new renewable energy investment in fringe-of-grid applications across Australia;
- measure and analyse the network impacts arising from the NSF project (mainly relating to the potential for reduction in network losses);
- pursue the case for regulatory change based on the analysis of the network impacts in order that the value of network impacts can be shared appropriately in future projects that achieve similar positive benefits;
- improve the understanding by network operators and regulators of the benefits and opportunities of providing distributed renewable energy in fringe-of-the-grid locations;
- improve the understanding of the costs and challenges of designing, procuring, constructing and operating a solar PV farm in a remote, tropical region of Australia;
- improve the understanding of the financing requirements and commercial viability of solar PV deployments in fringe-of-the-grid locations of Australia;
- improve the understanding of the performance characteristics of solar PV deployed in a tropical, monsoonal climate; and
- improve public awareness and understanding of fringe-of-the-grid solar PV developments.
activities title
Knowledge sharing acivities
knowledge sharing activities
Knowledge Sharing Activities
- the NSF project has land available within the project boundary, close to a main road, and close to the Normanton township, that is readily able to be developed into a significant project data collection centre;
- a Project Knowledge Sharing display will be developed at the Normanton Solar Farm Visitor Information Centre which will develop further public awareness of renewable energy and how it can help improve the affordability and reliability of electricity in rural Australia;
- the NSF project will develop a data collection and storage facility, where all key environmental and electrical data from the project will be managed and stored. Data will be monitored on a daily basis and climate and performance data will be streamed via the project website.
- the NSF project will be available as an energy research facility, a philosophy of an ‘open door’ policy for researchers, providing opportunities for industry, academic institutions or other researchers to engage in on-site data collection, analysis and research.
- the NSF project will develop a community roadshow to councils, schools and interested stakeholders across Northern Australia to share the learnings gained by the project, and encourage the further development of renewable energy solutions for rural and remote energy supply;
Key reports and learning will be shared via:
- Energy industry through the ARENA website http://arena.gov.au/projects/
- Public Presentations
- Workshops
- Tourism displays
- Solar Futures Australia Website